by Tessa Moriarty
The wind has calmed, the sand a golden carpet, lays waiting. Water stretches flat to the south, for miles.
Sky is a pink morning heaven, kissed by waking angels.
I unzip my cover. The weight of it and the hours I’ve tossed through the night fall to my feet.
Nothing will keep me from this tonic.
At the water’s edge I breathe the salt air before I plunge. In a second I’m under. Gone. It freezes. Surrounds.
Every part of me wants to stop. Every part of me wants to keep going. I have to give my all.
In return – it gives me everything. A good swim is like that. So is a good story. It’s easy to get lost in the experience of it. In the journey. In story – just like the swim – we find who we are and who we can be. Stories bind and hold us, as they pull us in. To their magic.
And so, it was with the Western Port Writes literary festival. Across the weekend of September 6 – 8, our awesome authors reminded us how much we are drawn to and connected by story. To ourselves, to each other. To the universe.
Some of what the authors said about their stories and the wisdom of their trade has been captured in more stories, by some of those who attended.
More to follow………………